My boyfriend (Luke) and I have been blessed with families who are selfless, giving and simply incredible. Luke's mum and dad (Ruth and Ken) have been astoundingly generous, and kind enough to let me stay in their family home with them since last March (when I was often left with little to survive on each month after payment of rent, bills etc.). Not only have they let me stay with them (rent-free I might add!) when I had nowhere else to go, but they have treated me as a true member of the family; introducing me to the extended family; taking me on holiday; feeding me; buying me things I need...The list does go on but I shan't bore you with it. All I know is that I will never be able to show the amount of gratitude I feel towards them.
My own mum and stepdad (Jim) are now matching the remarkable generosity of Luke's family. Having burdened them now for around nine months, my mum and Jim have decided to shift the weight of responsibility from Ruth and Ken's shoulders, and have told us that we no longer need to worry about saving money to then waste on renting. My parents recently sold one of their three properties, for approximately £220,000, and they now wish to invest the cash they have (the property had no mortgage) into a new property somewhere in London for me and Luke to live in, and treat as our own.
So this is where our work begins. We have many questions.
Where do we go from here?
Where do we start?
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